Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Consonant Pronunciation Exam - with Audio

English Consonant Pronunciation Exam - with Audio How is your English pronunciation? Read the sentences below aloud and answer the questions. Then listen to the audio and decide if you sound the same as the recording. If you dont sound the same, make a note it.  All the sounds  you had difficulties with can be practiced in our intensive pronunciation courses.1. Do you approve of the prices of these apples. They are perhaps a bit steep.Q: Do you say the p in prices, perhaps, and approve with a puff of air?2.  Bobby Brown catches lobster and crab and cooks them on his boat down in the cabin.Q: Is your b in Brown rounded and your b in lobster flattened?3.  Elephants laugh and make friends easily. Offer your friendship to an elephant and shell never forget.Q: Are your upper teeth pressed against your lower lip when you say [f]?4.  Dr. Van saved the gravely ill patient who had a severe case of the flu virus.Q: Are your upper teeth pressed against your lower lip when you say [v]? And do vibrate your vocal cords?5.  Tom is a common America n name. So are Mary, Samantha, and Emily.Q: Do you hold your lips together when you say m in Tom and name?6. The twins quietly did their homework and made drawings of the wheat fields to the west.Q: Do your round your lips when you say w? And, is your w silent in the word drawings?7.  Beth is an athlete and marathon runner. To stay healthy and happy she eats three meals a day and thinks positive thoughts.Q: Do you place the tip of your tongue between your teeth when you say th?8.  My mother and father loathe northern weather. They prefer southern climates.Q: Do your vocal cords vibrate when you say th in these words?9.  When Betty returns in a fortnight, we will read the story A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.Q: Are your t sounds in Betty, returns, fortnight, and story all different?10.  The actor planted fifteen rows of vegetables in his rooftop garden.Q: Do you say the t in fifteen and rooftop with a puff of air?11. The actor planted fifteen rows of vegetables in his roofto p garden.Q: Do you say the t in fifteen and rooftop with a puff of air?12.  Trevor tried to initiate a conversation about 19th century literature.Q: Does your t sound like ch in Trevor, tried, century, and literature?*This is an advanced lesson.13.  Dr. Davis is a dedicated pediatrician from Broward County. His predictions are always true. Q: Is your d in pediatrician a quicker sound than your d in Davis and predictions?14. Andrews dream has been to receive an education in fine art and drawing.Q: Do your ds sound like js?*This is an advanced lesson.15. The United States started with thirteen small states. Today, there are fifty states spread from east to west.Q: Are all of your ss voiceless? (Voiceless means made without vibrating your vocal cords)16.  Is it possible to measure qualities such as pleasure and compassion? Q: Do you pronounce the ss in measure, qualities, and compassion differently?17. Magicians specialize in deceiving their audience. Exceptional ones succeed at it.Q: Do your cs in magicians and specialize sound like sh?18. Dozens of guests gazed at the dazzling performers as they played Brazilian jazz pieces.Q: Do your vibrate your vocal cords when you say z?19. The executive from Oxford plays the xylophone.Q: Do you pronounce each x differently?20.  Charlie Chaplin wore a mustache in his film The Champion.Q: Does your ch in mustache sound like sh?21.  Sharon took a short trip to Washington. She found shells along the shore there.Q: Is your sh a quiet, steady sound?22.  George is going to major in engineering. Hes starting college in June.Q: Do your gs and js sound the same?23.  Now, youre learning to pronounce the consonants. Practice them again and again.Q: Do you touch your gum ridge behind your upper teeth when you say n?24. Caterpillars crawl and later turn into graceful butterflies.Q: Do your round your lips a little and curl your tongue when you say r?25.  Larry is good-looking and loves to laugh. Hes likeable and pleasant to be with.Q: D oes your tongue tip press against your gum ridge or the back of your teeth when you say l?26.  Year after year, millions of people visit the Grand Canyon. Young and old enjoy the brilliant views.Q: Do your raise your tongue to an [i] position for the y and i sounds?27.  Kathy is working at the bank until six oclock. Then, shes making turkey stew for the kids.Q: Do you say the k in Kathy and kids with a puff of air?28. Victor cant come to the card party. He is scuba diving in Tuscany, Italy. Q: Do you say the c in cant, come, and card with a puff of air?29.  The queen is on a quest to find orchids to give to the monarch at Christmas time.Q: Do you say the q or ch in queen, quest, and Christmas with a puff of air?30. The goose laid bigger golden eggs. Soon the farmer got very greedy.Q: Do your vocal cords vibrate when you say g?31.  The strong young men are bringing their running times up. The strongest man is running faster and longer.Q: Do you say a hard g in strongest and longer bu t not in strong or bringing?32.  This fall, we will see beautiful red and golden hues.*Q: Do you not touch your tongue tip to your gum ridge when you say l in will, beautiful, and golden?*This is an advanced lesson.33. The guests saw how happy and healthy the heir to the throne was.Q: Do you gently let out a puff of air when you say h in how, happy and healthy?34.  These stories werent written in Latin and later forgotten.*Q: Do you pronounce the ts in boldface in your throat?*This is an advanced lesson.

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